It appears I've been neglecting my blog. I began keeping it in April of 2009 as a way to keep track of what has happened here on the farm, when I did what, and how I felt about it. Ok, I'll be honest, sometimes it's a way to show off and brag about my animals, projects, etc. It's also a nice way to store photos for future reference.
In 2009 I had 119 blog entries. 2010 was my highest, with 215 entries. Wow, lots must have been happening that year. Since then it's dropped to 153, 112, 109, 80, 52 (last year) and then so far this year 49. I've pondered why I don't write as much and I've come up with this. In 2009 the idea of homesteading was still new to us and everything seemed exciting and what I thought might be of interest to others. Now I wonder if what happens these days is old news and not so interesting.
Last night I discovered in my "other" message inbox on Facebook, a message from a man who lives in Alabama who wrote on June 6th, "Are you the Karen Pannabecker with the concrete countertop blog?" I apologized for not seeing his message sooner and he told me he'd already made his countertop and sent me a picture of a beautiful counter with double sinks. He then told me my blog was a big help. Well, wasn't that a nice surprise? My blog was useful to someone else besides just me.
A friend and James have been encouraging me to write more so I'm going to try. Blogging is a good exercise in writing too so I need to work harder so as not to disappoint them or myself.
This entry is boring and not creative at all but it's necessary for me because putting it in writing means I'm making a commitment. It puts a little pressure on. Blogging helps me stay present with what I'm doing during the day and appreciate more fully how special life is here and how many moments during my day are worth more than just a passing thought.
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