Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hooray for lights in the barn

Anyone who milks at night will understand why I'm so excited about this.

Is that a thing of beauty or what?  I took just a little longer in the barn than usual tonight because I was enjoying my new electricity.  Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can get my dusty little cd player to work so I can play music in there.  Our wonderful friend and electrician, Fred, wired it all just the way I wanted.  He had a little help from the goats.  Cooper knocked over his ladder then got tangled in the wires and pulled them out of the conduit. 

Tila has calmed down considerably but still follows Cooper around like he's her papa (or boyfriend).  He even waits for her when she gets behind.  Here she is sleeping with him and Shamus in the donkey barn.
I'm going to include a few more pictures that have nothing to do with the barn or goats just because they're cute.  These little girls love my little white bunny.


  1. mary pannabecker steinerJune 22, 2011 at 9:30 AM

    Yay!!!! I'm so glad you have lights now. Music...then maybe some videos for the goats to watch....Dr. Doolittle?

  2. Oh Yay!!! Now you can pack up those flashlights!!
