Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Even though Raisa wasn't due for another 3 days I just knew she was going to have a baby yesterday. I spent most of the day with her willing the baby to pop out so I could see the birth.  This is her 3rd calf born here and I wanted so badly to see it happen.  We had a previous engagement last night so I tore myself away for 3 hours.  I couldn't go to bed without checking the field for new life when we got home.

The goats, Rex and I followed the beam of my flashlight to find 4 glowing eyes - 2 up high and 2 down low.  I knew I had missed it once again.  It appeared he had just been born because he was still covered in birthing fluids and Raisa hadn't passed the afterbirth.  I checked to see if it was a boy or girl and wasn't surprised at all that it was once again a boy.  I wonder if I'll ever get a girl from her. Maybe next year she and Franklin can make a beautiful red heifer.  I told Raisa she did a good job and congratulated her then left her to clean him up.

This morning after milking the goats I went to visit her and see him better in the light of day.  He's a cute little guy, of course.  He seems tiny and he's still very curly and slippery but he's been up and around so I imagine he's eating well and healthy.  I asked Raisa what she wanted to name hime.  She said, "mooooo".  I told her that name was overused and maybe we could shorten it and call him Mo.
She didn't argue so that's what I'm going to call him.