Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Quadruplets

I went out to the barn this morning  and Luti surprised me with 4 perfect little kids, 3 girls and 1 boy.  They were already cleaned up and napping.  I was hoping Luti would give me at least one little doeling to keep this year and she didn't let me down.  I'm only going to keep one (I think).  Their names are Daffy (boy), Dilly, Crocus and Lily. 


  1. Quads! That's crazy! I bet momma feels light as a feather now that she's not carrying those kiddos anymore!

    They're uber-cute!!!

  2. Congrats! They are gorgeous. Love the white. Also love the names!
    Your herd will grow quickly at this rate!
    Good luck only keeping one! ;-)
