What do others know of our time together? It's ours only, and something I've always cherished, but more so now than ever. We share something only women-friends can share. Our husbands wouldn't get it, nor would they care to.
"I need new fireplace doors", you say. I do a Google search and we get excited because we find a resource.
"I'm trying to come up with a good idea for a headboard for our new bedroom", I say. You have ideas galore.
Food? Recipes? Wine? We've spent many hours talking about, tasting, drinking. It's intoxicating in a very good way.
How did we first meet? Did you call me? You had a stress fracture in your foot - we walked - you didn't sweat. I did. I probably made you uncomfortable but somehow we quickly became friends. Not long after we also became neighbors. You told me my dish towels were dirty and bought me new ones. I learned early on not to be offended. You loved me and wanted to give me things. That's who you are. You're a giver, you want to make people happy. My bedspread and drapes you made us make me very happy. I know there are probably more than 20 other people who have curtains, bedspreads and shower curtains you made them and are equally as grateful as I am.
When I re-do my countertops, or change the wax gasket beneath my toilet, or sew pillow cases, etc,
I think of you, Ruth. So many things we share.
I can't grasp this idea of you being sick. It makes my heart sick. I need and pray for you to get well.
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