Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm the proud owner of 3 mammoth donkeys!!!!!!

My Christmas gift arrived at 4:30 yesterday afternoon, just an hour and a half after we returned home from PA.  We had a great time visiting with family and friends for Christmas and this was a perfect way to end the holiday. 

They're beautiful!!!  I wanted to hug and pet them when they unloaded from the trailer but they were too busy checking their surroundings out to be concerned with me.  After awhile the mom, Jaz, let me scratch her and give her a good rub down.  The others were still nervous.  Earl and Willo are the offspring of Jaz. 

This morning it was pouring rain and they were standing in it getting soaked.  I built that run in shed so they wouldn't have to do that.  When I went down to see them this morning they met me at the gate.
Still no braying.  I'll know they're happy here when I hear them bray.  It took Chy a good while before she brayed but I think it will be sooner with these guys.  By the way, Chy is extremely affectionate today.  I don't know if she just missed me or if she's seen the mammoth donkeys across the way.  Also, she's in heat so that might be part of it. 

I put their hay in the shed and stood in there.  They eventually came in and ate.  Jaz must have decided it was nicer to be out of the rain because she stayed in there most of the morning while it poured.  The other 2 took turns going in and out.  I think they've claimed it as theirs now.

Donkeys have beautiful eyes.  There's something very serene about the expression on their faces.
The sun finally came out around 3:00 when my friend came to see them.  He's owned several mules.    James, Tommy and I went down to see them and each of them claimed one of us.  The shyness has disappeared and they all want our attention.  One of the first things Tommy said was, "they're pets".  Of course that was clear by their begging for attention.  Jaz velcroes herself to me and isn't always happy when the others want my attention.  Because she seemed so comfortable with me we decided we'd put her halter on and let Tommy lead her with me on her back.  For all you horse and donkey people, I won't ride her bareback often.  I will saddle her.  It was just one of those moments where we just wanted to see how she'd do.  She was great!  The funny thing was how the others followed us everywhere we went.  I wonder if they were jealous or just wanted to be nearby. 

Elk Cliff farm has changed so much in the past 5 or 6 years.  I can't wait to tell you about more of our adventures.  You may get tired of donkey stories. 



  2. I know you may not believe this, but I used to have a donkey - Pedro. I used to ride him. He even threw me a couple of times. It was when I was in high school. We used to feed him green persimmons! What a hoot that was! He loved them, but they'd turn his mouth inside out - sort of! Ha!

  3. Merry Christmas! Great present!!

  4. Thanks Rae.

    Thanks Judy. I can't wait for you to meet them. When can you come visit?

  5. Yay, they have arrived -- can't wait to meet them! Yes, lots of changes, but good ones.

  6. I could NEVER get tired of donkey stories!! They look beautiful. Give them all kisses for me, especially Chy and Wilson. Can't wait to come!

  7. mary pannabecker steinerDecember 28, 2011 at 1:23 PM

    They're adorable. Can't wait to hear them bray!

  8. Mary, today they brayed for the first time but it wasn't because they were happy to see me. It was because I took Keri over there and she was barking at them. They let out some LOUD and long heehaws. I trie to video it but I missed it.

  9. Beautiful...way to go....yeah.........Mike

  10. Beautiful...way to go....yeah.........Mike

  11. Beautiful...way to go....yeah.........Mike

  12. Ohhhhhhh! They are just gorgeous. Those eyes..... those beautiful eyes....... I love them!
